Technology Partner News: Visual storytelling with Google, Setka, and Cloudinary

As the roster of WordPress VIP Technology Partners continues to grow, we’ll update you here on some of the best new features, integrations, and events for enterprise publishers and marketers building on the open web.
Google Web Stories
Google has released a beta version of their new Plugin, Web Stories for WordPress, spinning off an AMP Project feature into a powerful storytelling tool built into the WordPress Block Editor. WordPress VIP customers and partners will recognize this new product from the talks Paul Bakaus presented at our BigWP events in May and July.
In addition, the AMP for WordPress Plugin version 2.0 was released today! Get the backstory on those updates from WordPress VIP Gold Agency Partner, XWP.
Content Experience Disruption with Setka
For another way to build critical page building and design workflow into a highly performant WYSIWYG experience in the WordPress Block Editor, be sure to check out the latest from Setka, one of our Featured Technology Partners. Setka CEO Kate Bazilevskaya spoke at the Knotch Pros and Content Connect event in June 2020, sponsored by WordPress VIP. Don’t miss this longform post covering how to be a successful “Content Experience Disruptor” in 2020 and beyond. (It’s also a great illustration of what’s possible with Setka.)
Today we live pretty much all of our lives online, so we expect a lot more from technology and digital interaction. That’s why most of today’s biggest innovations don’t involve solving a new functional problem entirely, but instead finding a way of doing something that provides a better experience for the user. In other words, most innovation now comes from “EXPERIENCE DISRUPTORS.”
Trends in DAM from Cloudinary
Finding it a challenge to manage hundreds or thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of images, videos, and other media items in your current workflow? Consider a standalone Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution. Cloudinary, another Featured Technology Partner in the WordPress VIP community, covered a range of modern DAM practices and trends in a recent webinar.
Leveraging AI for content prediction or content creation through data interpretation and processing is at the forefront of DAM, promising to help librarians with the entire content-creation process.
Brightcove’s Tips for Virtual Events
Speaking of webinars, putting on virtual events takes technology, commitment, and a great plan that includes success metrics and goals. The marketing team at Brightcove offers this advice, along with an ebook:
Consider the big picture and commit to active engagement. It’s not only about the day your attendees log on and watch live panels or keynote sessions; it’s also about everything leading up to it and everything that follows when it’s all said and done. It’s about curating active engagement through email invitations, social posts, customer calls, press releases, etc.
Learn from WordPress VIP Customers
When it comes to selecting best-in-class technology integrations for your enterprise content management platform, one great source of inspiration might be WordPress VIP customers. Read our first ever Technology Integrations Report to find out what our customers find most useful in key categories including Personalization, Business Intelligence, and Digital Asset Management.
Words Matter
One more thing: A thoughtful post from a Sailthru series amplifying BIPOC voices, on cultural appropriation, stereotyping, and racism in digital advertising and marketing.
Cultural appropriation was the result that came from running ads that said things like “It’s lit” while not showing any African American people. It’s an old American story to profit from parts of Black culture without reference.
Ready to learn more about the WordPress VIP Technology Partnership program? Read about all our partners, or get in touch to become a partner today.